Wednesday, May 18, 2016

How American Family Insurance Became the Most Connected Brand on Facebook

How American Family Insurance Became the Most Connected Brand on Facebook

American Family Insurance was named a 2010 Groundswell Award finalist for our 2009 Facebook strategies. Here's the story behind our grant acknowledgment.

Our objective with online networking was to contact individuals when and where they settle on protection choices – and that implied putting our operators on Facebook and cultivating a large number of nearby discussions with individuals in that social space.

American Family specialists are nearby business pioneers and noticeable supporters of group occasions, games and festivities. They are trusted consultants with solid binds and connections to individuals in their groups. In any case, as the individual connections of American Family Insurance clients and prospects went on the web, our specialists remained disconnected from the net.

How we conquered a directed industry, moderate foundation and "exhausting" brand

Three extra barriers remained in our direction.

We're in a vigorously managed industry, so permitting our specialists to openly set up their own particular Facebook pages was impossible.

We're a moderate organization that had never left on such a forceful way in such another online media.

There's a discernment that American Family Insurance is an "exhausting" brand that few would need to associate with in a social space.

In all actuality, being social is a piece of who we are as an organization. It's the soul of our operators and how they interface with individuals in their groups. As of not long ago, our specialists did not have an approach to make those social associations on the web. We conquered our organization's obstructions by conveying our specialists to the general population utilizing online networking devices that exploit our operators' normal systems administration capacities.

We co-built up an online networking distributer that drove us right around our barriers by:

Permitting American Family to corporately direct all operator Facebook pages while as yet giving specialists singular control of their pages.

Furnishing operators with an expansive library of connecting with, non-salesy substance to impart to individuals yet at the same time taking into consideration singular substance creation that would address our interesting business sector of 19 working states.

Making a rich and element Facebook stage (counting altered tabs) for our operators that would get their supporters to look past our apparent "exhausting" brand

How we encouraged several day by day social discussions on Facebook and spared $3.19 million all the while

In view of our Facebook situating of Celebrating and Protecting Families, we made the biggest Facebook nearness in the protection business – one that commends our fans' achievements and gives them valuable data to keep their families safe.

In under a year, American Family Insurance turned into the most associated brand on Facebook with more than 1,800 privately oversaw operator Facebook pages and 70,000+ combined day by day associations. Our social nearness develops each day as more operators go ahead board and add supporters to their nearby pages.

Putting our substantial specialist power on Facebook was neither a straightforward nor economical undertaking. In any case, had we not co-built up an online networking distributer and had a devoted online networking group, it could never have happened. American Family spared around $3.19 million yearly by co-assembling our online networking distributer versus purchasing or renting a similar instrument accessible with Facebook's favored merchants.

As our operators made associations on Facebook, they did as such with drawing in substance and discussions one of a kind to their own particular groups. Through August 25, 2010, American Family Insurance operators have shared 10,951 bits of substance through their Facebook pages, including 1,552 recordings and 2,463 announcements.

Our group created custom tabs for specialist Facebook pages. Our specialists advantage from redid content on those tabs, however they additionally pick up an effective systems administration instrument through a custom contact structure. This redid structure permits guests to the page to interface one-on-one with operators – something not accessible on customary Facebook pages.

Since dispatching our social networking distributer, our specialists have associated with many individuals on account of this new online nearness on Facebook. For some specialists, this has interpreted into new business coming straightforwardly from Facebook (see sidebar).

Associating operators with new clients

James Koppang, an American Family Insurance operator from Lees Summit, Mo., has firsthand involvement with the referral and deals capability of Facebook and realizes that Facebook associations square with deals.

"My announcements aren't about being a protection master, they make and fabricate associations with individuals. At that point next time clients have a recharging, they may recall my identity, the relationship we based on Facebook and come to me for their next protection needs. I can quality 10-15 new clients to Facebook. They originate from individuals who send me a message through Facebook searching for a quote. Other individuals make inquiries since they saw me specified in a companion's post about how I gave them benefit or spared them cash."

– James Koppang, American Family Insurance operator in Lees Summit, Mo.

The facebook movement of our specialists has driven a five-fold increment in activity to our site and many operator referral and quote opportunities.

American Family Insurance is the most associated brand on Facebook

In only a couple of months, American Family Insurance took our online networking nearness from non-existent to No. 1 – among our rivals, as well as apparently setting up the most associations on Facebook of any brand. Not terrible for a preservationist organization … with an exhausting brand … in a profoundly directed industry.

Exceptional because of individuals from the online networking group at American Family Insurance: Collin Kromke, Mark Anderson, Tom Buchheim, Keith Katers, Seth Keeler, Annie Vang and Lisa Severson.









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